Thursday, September 4, 2008

My take on Election 2008 (tm)


The new word soon to sweep the English lexicon. It's the emotion created over the course of the last 20 years by a lot of very painful presidential elections.


Somewhere between the sense of "Thrill" and "Horror". A little bit of both. It's not really bad. But it's not really good. Actually, it's both horrible and wonderful at the same time.


Say it five times. It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue at first, but you get used to it. The uncomfortable pronunciation of it almost perfectly parlays the indefinably uncomfortable feeling brought on by a throrrifying event around the corner. Much like the word "lubrication" or "discombobulated", the sound of the word is almost self-descriptive.

Proposing marriage to your longtime girlfriend - throrrifying.

Going on stage to accept some award and give a shallow acceptance speech - utter throrror!

Being wheeled down the hall on a gurney to the room where they will perform the enema to finally get rid of that bowel obstruction that's been bugging you for 2 weeks - absofuckinglutely throrrifying!!

The moments before the first McCain vs. Obama debate - I'm filled with complete and total throrror.

Let's look at a couple examples of this word that one could envision seeing on the news in the coming months:

The stern and foreboding look on the brow of John McCain as he patiently waited for Barack Obama to once again break the Guinness World Record for the number of instances of saying the word "change" in a 5-minute span for the 3rd time in the last hour instilled a quiet sense of throrror in the millions of television viewers anticipating his incoherently belligerent response.

"Yo, dat shit wuz throrrifying!" exclaimed one guest emerging from the new "Election 2008" themed rollercoaster at Disneyland. "I'm takin' my ass back to that Hummer Tunnel thing, that was much better!" referring to the ride influenced by Bill Clinton's presidency.

The next 64 days until the election will be an utter throrror.

God bless the bottle of tequila sitting in my freezer...

next up: Fun election drinking (and other) games....

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