Friday, July 25, 2008

I'm in love!!!!

No, it's not with some cute 21 year old techno can't truly love one of those, at least according to my friend Scott.

Shepherd's Pie


Yesterday was the exact 6-year anniversary of my arrival in Germany. I decided to celebrate by having the most non-German experience which is possible in Leipzig....going to an Irish Pub which is owned & run by a short Irish guy named McCormack, drinking Irish beer and eating a proper Irish (or English, as it may be) meal. On the menu - shepherd's pie. Never had one of those things. It sounds good....ground lamb, mashed potatoes, covered in cheese and baked in an oven. Gee, I might as well try it!

Holy fucking hell on an unsanded fuckstick!! Why did it take me 31.5 years of living on this planet to discover this culinary wonder?

There's no way around it, I'm forever changed.

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